Welcome to the Eagle Scout Advancement Resources page for the Catalina Council. Here, you will find all the essential information and tools needed to support your journey towards achieving the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout.
Our goal is to provide a streamlined and supportive pathway for Scouts aspiring to reach the Eagle Scout rank. Explore our resources and let us help you succeed in this remarkable achievement.
- Application for Alternative Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges, No. 512-730
- Belated Rank Application, No. 512-076
- Eagle Scout Application for youth who completed requirements before July 1, 2022, No.512-728
- This is the revised 2022 Eagle Scout Rank Application. Scouts who have already started preparing their application using the 2020 version may continue to use it. They do not need to redo it using the 2022 version.
- Eagle Scout Application for youth who completed requirements ON OR AFTER July 1, 2022
- Starting July 1, 2022, Eagle Scout candidates will be required to complete all Eagle Scout requirements including the new Citizenship in Society merit badge. The Local Council will be responsible for verifying the Eagle Scout candidate and their completion of the Eagle Scout requirements. The Local Council will determine those Scouts that meet all requirements before July 1, 2022 and those Scouts that fall under the new Eagle Scout requirements as of July 1, 2022.
- Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512-927
- This is the revised February 2023 Eagle Scout Service Project workbook. Scouts who have already started preparing their workbook using the 2022 version may continue to use it. They do not need to redo it using the 2023 version.
- Request for Extension of Time (form), No. 512-077
- Appeal of Extension Request Denial (form), No. 512-077a
- Eagle Scout Service Project Coach Application, No. 512-069
- Individual Scout Advancement Plan, No. 512-936
- Request for Registration Beyond the Age of Eligibility, No. 512-935
- Venturing Summit Award Service Project Workbook, No. 512-938
- Venturing Summit Award Application, No. 512-941